No problem business
Solve problems in your business online
1. Register
2. Tell your problem story in online request
3. System automatically send your request to responsible person
4. Get rejected within 10 days
No problem
Company registration
Registration time is more than 3 days
A large number of procedures
Difficulties with opening an account
Expensive state duty
Building permit
Spending much time to get permits
A large number of procedures
Lack of available information
Difficulties in interacting with government
Property rights registration
Long registration times
A large number of procedures
Lack of available information
Difficulties in interacting with government
Power connection
Long time for consideration of an application for accession
Long terms of conclusion of the contract for technological connection
Difficulties in interacting with resource-supplying organizations
Issuing a license for medical activity
Long license terms
A large number of procedures
Incompetence of employees
Difficulties in interacting with authorities
Land Plot
Long terms of cadastral registration
A large number of procedures
Difficulties in the preparation and approval of the survey plan
Difficulties in agreeing the boundaries of the land
Difficulties in preparing a package of documents for cadastral registration
and 51 more problems...