Farm Records - japanese-russian software for precision farming
precision farming
Concept, 2007
Фарм Альянс Токио, Япония
Development, 2014
Софт Билд Кумамото, Япония
Localization, 2017
Уайт Софт Хабаровск, Россия
System functions
Remote Production Management
Agriculture project management
Automation of reporting activities
Identification and elimination of inefficiencies
Making timely decisions based on operational information
Team training
Improving cultivation technologies by combining experience and data accumulating
Developed with Japanese farmers
Goal of Farm Records:
The goal of Farm Records: Increase farmers' profits by reducing inefficiencies. The system analyzes the data entered by farmers, identifies inefficiencies and offers solutions for optimization. Our part of work with Farm Records was to completely localize the Japanese product in the Russian market.
What we did
  • Adapting the system to Russian Federation standards
  • Interface translation into Russian
  • Adaptation to the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • Pilot testing control
  • Monitoring and maintenance of system expluatation at russian enterprise
  • Creation of a final report about pilot tests results and presentation to the Japanese side
Our team has big work experience in a Japanese company for over 10 years.
We are fluent in Japanese with native speakers and are ready to create software for needs of your company, or to localize your solution for the Russian market.