RF Voice
RF Voice - is a digital platform that allows citizens and government to improve the quality of life on their territory with using an on-line service.
RF Voice platform adapts to the needs of the region with the service constructor
Online service for solving problems of citizens
Problems map
Shows request objects and organizations on the map
Service for making suggestions from citizens for improving the infrastructure of the city
Rate service
Mayors, heads of districts and settlements, heads of municipal enterprises
Directory of all municipal organizations
Knowledge base, offers of administrations, calendar of events and other services
With our system Citizens with active position not only solve their problems, but also directly affect the transformation of the region.

Using the RF Voice system, you can affect for:
  • Road condition
  • Cleanliness
  • Landscaping
  • Accessibility of the environment for people with disabilities
  • Infrastructure
  • Transport
Each request left in system is automatically sent to the person in charge in the authorities and the citizen will receive a response with decision and terms of elimination, without paperwork.
Rate service
By evaluating the work of government leaders and enterprises, citizens help the authorities pay attention to specific objects that require additional monitoring and verification.
Project in numbers
  • Over 50,000 requests filed
  • Over 2,000 road pits repaired
  • Equipped 417 playgrounds for kids
  • More than 1100 objects cleared of garbage
  • 70,000 concerned citizens were involved in the project
  • 520 concerned government workers work on problems
  • Developed with love by a team of 20 concerned programmers